Monday 19 November 2012

Do you know what a QR Code is? - RESULTS

Initially, it was necessary to offer a further opportunity to those that answered ‘No’. Due to extensive research of QR Code questionnaires it was critiqued that an image of a QR Code be included in a survey rather than just asking by name. As you can see from above image, this tactic proved successful.

Therefore, we can say that 206 people out of 220 people recognised a QR Code. That is almost a staggering 94% of respondents recognising a QR Code.
Though research methods and sampling size are different, the results are almost parallel to those of Japan in 2005 where there was a 96.5% had knowledge of a QR Code.

It is interesting to point out that respondents are somewhat familiar with a QR Code by name but the visual image of a QR Code is what triggered overall recognition.
To conclude, a staggering 94% of smartphone owners surveyed in Ireland know what a QR Code is either by name or/and image. This demonstrates the visual proliferation of QR Codes in Ireland.

Next Post:  - How many respondents are actually scanning QR Codes?

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