Monday 27 July 2015

Something different with a QR Code!

Yikes, €2.65! I only bought it cause it had a QR Code on it!
Well, it was a nice tasty drink with real Aloe Vera inside. This drink from 'alo' had a good size QR Code on the side label. Next to it read the words SCAN TO UNLOCK. This in itself is a good marketing tool and instead makes the result more secretive. This code scanned well and once opened linked to a Sound Cloud link where a piece of music was ready waiting for me to press play.
I can't really remember seeing this done before so first of all it was inventive, it was unique and it was definitely different. In terms of brand association there wasn't anything when scanned that linked me back to the product or offered more information on the product. I guess this isn't that important if you have created a new transaction with the QR Code.... ALOtones!

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