Tuesday, 20 May 2014

What a diffence a page makes....

Algarve Airport Guide - QR Codes

On page 1 of this brochure there is a very dense QR Code. This does scan but brings you to a deadend link. Offering scheduled timetables with QR Codes can be done correctly when using a system that is managing the QR Codes for you. In this way, when you update the information the QR Code design remains the same. This should have been done in this case.
However, a lot of QR Codes are just added as an extra facility to users and unfortunately are not managed. The business must manage their QR Code as items such as Airport brochures are kept for referral at a later date. Schedules to change but your QR Code doesn't have to!

The next page (page 2) on the same brochure - has a QR Code that is in fact a method of downloading an app. The QR Code scans much faster and is notably less dense. See example below. It refers the user to click Android, Windows 8 or Apple IOS . In my case if is (of course) an Android which bring to the Play Store for the installation to commence. 

What a difference a page makes!!!

Apologies images aren't great quality

                            Page 1                                                                    Page 2

Thursday, 8 May 2014

QR Codes mades simple by business!

I'm just loving Topaz 'Park & Play'....
They have QR Codes on coffee cups to direct users to their prize winning campaign Park & Play which is effectively a very good mobile app.

When you download the app on your phone it lets you access such things as your current loyalty points, specific offers for you and the nearest topaz station. A QR code is also accessed from the home page (see below) of the app that is scanned every time you make a purchase simply by pointing your phone (QR code) towards the cashiers scanner that is situated on the counter facing you.

Even if you don't have an internet connection this page will open up for you.

Like all good QR Code management, Topaz additionally supply customers with key tags  (see below) that also display the QR Code which are superfast when scanned at the store.

This is an example of good QR Code used by business. It's simple, fast and effective.
Hope to see more like this : )

Friday, 4 April 2014

2014 and still Irish QR Codes are directing to non-mobile optimised websites

2014 and still Irish QR Codes are directing to non-mobile optimised websites

This QR Code is bringing the user direct to a sales website that is not mobile optimised. What's the point? I'd love to see statistics (if any) that show a sale from this QR Code!

However, the QR Code is not dense and the scanner i'm using (i-nigma) scans this quickly. There are also no issues with the plastic material. The quiet zone (white area around the QR Code) is also nice and big.  I only scanned half this QR Code and it translated very well to its url.

To conclude my first re-introduction of 2014, let's hope the next codes i come across achieve fantastic results where the user will wholly benefit from its use.