Saturday 16 February 2013

Valentine's Day Card with a QR Code

Good idea, adding a more visual depth to you average Valentine's Day card.

After scanning this QR Code your are brought into a cute short animated video with hearts and a puppy.

If i had to say something a little critical and guess that's why i created a blog, is the QR Code is a little busy.
Marks & Spencer's in this case should maybe have used a link shortener and hence opens that little bit faster.

However, there has been some opinion that shortened URL's affect SEO?

"There are mixed opinions from SEO experts as to whether shortened URLs can actually harm an SEO campaign so here is what Google had to say about the issue.  Matt Cutts from Google has made a video post about the subject in which he states that shortened URLs are no different to any other form of 301 redirect and ask such no harm should be done to your site by using them.  In fact, he even goes as far to say that they receive the same amount of page rank value as normal URLs". Phew!!!

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