Thursday 14 February 2013

Last of my 2012 QR Codes- Hello 2013!!!

Dee’s Real Meals
Country of Origin: Ireland

This QR Code is a little small but it is still very effective with the necessary white space around the code which helps create scanning definition. This code scans well and has a really good outcome. There is a short registration form to fill in your details where special offers will be sent to you and you are part of a V.I.P Club. This could be looked at as a QR Code best practice.

Bavaria Beer
Country of Origin: Netherlands

This QR Code (Bavaria) even looks jaded in appearance. It is positioned on plastic packaging that envelopes beer cans. Due to this, the plastic covering stretches easily. This makes the QR Code distorted and almost impossible to scan. Additionally, this is a very dense code which also adds to the complexity of scanning it. In this case, it is a QR Code fail. It has also been observed however; that Bavaria has actually printed the QR Code on each individual cans inside this pack which now scans effectively. However, the scan result is not mobile optimised.

Overall in 2012, the scanning results from the Product Packagaing findings were very poor.

It is clear, that these problems can be easily overcome but there are lessons needed by the QR Code provider to ensure their QR Codes are effective and benefical. Otherwise, QR Codes may only result in poor user experiences and in turn lack of trust in the codes.

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