Tuesday 11 December 2012

QR Codes for downloading Product Applications

Absolut Vodka
Country of Origin: Sweden

This QR Code on the Absolut Vodka Bottle scans. However, the user gets a blank page with the following written in small writing on the top: “you do not have permission to open this page”. This is a QR Code scan fail. The reason this Code did not scan effectively is because the QR Code only led to the App Store dedicated solely to an iPhone user. In this case, the company should have used two QR Codes to suit the two main smartphones that is Android  (Play Store) and iOS (Apple). See example below:

Sligo Jazz Trail
A QR Code for each App Store
Here, Sligo Jazz Trail has embraced both of the major phones operating systems.

Interesting to note, is that in Ireland the Android market is slightly greater than the iphone.

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